Wheezal Hekla Lava Dental Cream is used for managing dental problems such as tooth decay and neuralgia. Plantago Q and Calendula Q help manage inflammation and promote healing, while Azadirachta Indica Q (Neem) offers powerful antibacterial properties that help manage the growth of bacteria in the mouth. Calc. Phos. 3x and Calc. Fluor. 3x is essential for strengthening teeth and bones, contributing to overall dental health. Kreosote Q and Merc Cor. 3x assist in managing bad breath and ensuring long-lasting oral freshness. Wheezal Hekla Lava Dental Cream is a homoeopathic dental care product formulated with a unique blend of natural ingredients to support oral health. This dental cream combines the benefits of Hekla Lava, Plantago Q, Calendula Q, and Calc. Phos. 3x, Azadirachta Indica Q, Staphysagria Q, Kreosote Q, Calc. Carb. 3x, Calc. Fluor. 3x, and Merc Cor. 3x to manage dental issues such as toothache, decay, and bad breath. This dental cream is ideal for those seeking a natural and effective solution to maintain their oral hygiene, manage dental issues, and ensure stronger, healthier teeth.